BSME Basis Service Middle East belongs to Basisgroup, which offers a wide range of products and services in three areas of activity: Engineering, Consultancy&Services, and ICT.
Basisgroup is active worldwide and offers diversified technological solutions for all types of demands thanks to a differentiated software proposal.
BSME within the Basisgroup promotes and meets the demands for industrial and IT technical services in the Middle East.
The aim is to generate partnerships in the Middle East through a widespread presence in the territory to disseminate products and services more effectively, in particular on-service or inspection.
Problems and difficulties of the partner company
The Middle East is a complex and diverse area. However, after careful analysis, it is possible to provide a general focus on the common problems and needs of partner companies in the Middle East context.
The Middle East is known to be rich in energy resources, particularly oil and natural gas. Many of the economic revenues of many parts of this area are heavily dependent on these resources. Therefore, energy companies and industries require solutions for the production and management of energy resources. This is the field where BSME operates with advanced technologies for exploration, oil and gas field development, as well as solutions for the transport, refining and storage of resources.
BSME has and continues to focus on building loyalty with customers in the Middle East as well as with foreign companies not present in that area, becoming their long-standing operational arm through the on-site deployment of agents and technicians for maintenance.
Companies often have their suppliers focused on single aspects. BSME supports these companies in an integrated manner, leading customers to interface with multiple service providers and in multiple geographical areas.
In essence, most companies dialogue with vertical suppliers who do not pose the problem of how they could improve their supply chain (customer care, supply chain, etc.), because they deal with their own specific area without a general overview of the complex scenario.
In spite of this, paradoxically the tendency is to feel some scepticism towards a service provider (BSME) that can take care of several operational aspects. The doubt concerns the possibility of really being able to excel in everything.
These companies are looking for a way to internationalise quickly and seize business opportunities avoiding the critical issues linked to bureaucracy. They are not fully aware of the risks they run in selecting a low-priced supplier that does not meet insurance standards, visas or bureaucratic requirements.
Continuing with this analysis, it must be considered that most companies tend to look for technicians who are immediately operational (a rather difficult solution). They offload start-up activities of resources to third parties and want to work with agreed and predictable rates.
And again, they would like to have tailor-made services at their disposal. In all this, however, they need digital and technology service providers because they tend to grow online at a fast pace. They need updates and training on security procedures and risk management for their resources and they are looking for new software to automate/digitalise their business and processes.
Problem solving at BSME Basis Service Middle East
The focus on problems and needs is followed by the right solution to the problems of every customer partner organisation.
Companies have to find the right suppliers for the solutions they want to adopt and, at the same time, reduce the possibility of error and clarify responsibilities in the interaction with suppliers. They have international structures but no local points of reference. Therefore, they do not have agents and/or technicians capable of setting up operations. For this reason, they look for a local partner for on-site supervision, either to internationalise in the Middle East or to get geographically closer to the territory.